Good day my good friend.

My absence from writing anything substantial continues for now. But for this special I thought I would share with you some YouTube videos about transport and associated issues that I love the most. Some are inspiring, some are funny, some are something different. Enjoy!

The Not Just Bikes YouTube channel is one of my must-subscribes. This video on why the Finns can cycle in the snow and Canadians cannot is really insightful, and focusses on an issue often overlooked: maintenance.

This is not a short video, but its one of my favourites by far. In 2017, YouTubers Geoff Marshall and Vicki Pipe went on a trip around the UK rail network to ‘visit’ all the stations. I followed this religiously at the time, and this feature-length documentary summarises it all.

Train journeys are not just from A to B. They are trips through the history of a nation. As this documentary from the amazing DW shows with a ride from New Orleans to New York.

The Monty Python bunch achieved the impossible. Making walking funny, with this hilarious sketch from their show. This always makes me laugh.

In a blistering 25 minute TED Talk, Al Gore explains and tells you how to fight the biggest climate battle of our time. Namely, reducing the influence of the fossil fuel industries. Watch it. Take it in. Act.

The videos that Practical Engineering puts out are endlessly fascinating. And this video about the Channel Tunnel is no exception.

The Barcelona Super Blocks are amazing examples of urbanism. And this video from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation explains them and their role in a circular economy. Well worth your time viewing.

A good scenario planners looks to the past as well as the future. And this video from 11 years ago of a ‘car guy’ who looked towards a future with no traffic gridlock is always a good reminder of how we thought the future would be.

😍 Mobility Camp is back

Its funny, you know. How in this really bad time having something positive to hold onto really means a lot. And in September I will be helping organise a whole event on positive vibes in transport. Mobility Camp is returning on 20th September at the wonderful Guildhall in York.

It will be amazing to see you all there. You can get your tickets here, but if you want to do a little more then we are looking for sponsors too, details of which you can find here.


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