Good day my good friend.

Today’s newsletter is entirely a public service announcement. And it relates to this newsletter and the coming weeks.

Many of you know about my dog Jasper, and how he has been battling cancer for the last 8 months. Well, on Friday, we went for a scan and we got the news we were always expecting and at the same time dreading. You can probably guess that its not good.

For the coming weeks, I am going to be spending as much time with him as I can, and to do that I have to drop certain things. So for the next few weeks – at least until the end of June and maybe beyond that, newsletters are going to be more irregular. I will try and publish at least weekly, but I cannot promise that. It also means that the breakdown of the UK election manifestos I promised will not happen.

Once things settle down, I hope to go back to a more regular publishing schedule. In the meantime, I trust that you understand the situation, and I thank you for your patience. Also, if you do have a dog of your own, give them a hug. They truly are special, and you should show how much you love them every day.

I have co-authored a book on Mobility-as-a-Service, which is a comprehensive guide on this important new transport service. It is available from the Institution of Engineering and Technology and now Amazon. 📕

😍 Mobility Camp is back

Its funny, you know. How in this really bad time having something positive to hold onto really means a lot. And in September I will be helping organise a whole event on positive vibes in transport. Mobility Camp is returning on 30th September at the wonderful Guildhall in York.

It will be amazing to see you all there. You can get your tickets here, but if you want to do a little more then we are looking for sponsors too, details of which you can find here.

3 responses to “The Coming Weeks for Mobility Matters”

  1. Thinking of you, James. So sad.


  2. Ellen Partridge Avatar
    Ellen Partridge

    I always appreciate the sensitivity of your writing and with this post I appreciate even more your willingness to lean into what is important.


    Ellen Partridge Senior Advisor, Mobility Innovation Equiticity Website 312.320.8450


  3. Totally understand and sending you support through this time.

    Best regards,




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